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Behind the scenes update #3

Associate Producer Kat Cole and I are working hard to prep the film for DVD production and to launch a summer campaign to bring the film to universities and colleges. We are finalizing all the assets for the DVD and educational streaming, which includes things like Closed Captioning and even Spanish subtitles! Thanks to Patricia Quezada and her students at UNIACC University, Santiago, Chile who are generously providing the Spanish subtitling pro-bono! We are deeply grateful for their dedication to making this film more broadly accessible.

After we launch our educational campaign this summer, we will then work to find the best digital distribution platform in order to release the film to the general public. We are more eager than ever before to reach this milestone. We have some mountains to climb yet, but we are well on our way!

Meanwhile, we are continuing to screen in film festivals and hope to squeeze in some time to coordinate more community screenings as well.

Thank you for continuing on this journey with us!