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It’s all or nothing – join us!

Today is the day! Our Beacon campaign has launched and we have just released our trailerBeacon is matching your contributions dollar for dollar for the first $10,000 raised. So, don’t wait! Let them double your contribution today.

In order for this film to be made, we need your help! We only have 30 days to raise $30,000 in this all-or-nothing campaign, so the time is right now. If you can afford $1 or $5, please make that contribution today. If you can afford more: $25, $50, $100, $250 that’s TERRIFIC! Every dollar counts. Remember your contributions are being matched. Everything raised during this campaign will go directly to the cost of editing the film. You can be part of this very important stage and ensure the film’s completion.

Can you contribute today? 
1) Yes, I will contribute today.
2) I’m not able to contribute today but I will share on Facebook* and/or Twitter.


Ghazwan is one of the most amazing people I have ever met, and his powerful and multi-layered story touches on some of the most important conversations of our time: immigration, displacement, the aftermath of war and LGBT rights. For eight years, my team and I have been working hard to make this documentary the best that it can be. It has been a true labor of love and we are now ready to begin the editing process!

For Ghazwan, sharing his most intimate moments has not always been easy. But the journey has been a healing experience for him. For this reason alone, this project has been deeply important to me. But the documentary has a much larger purpose. Ghazwan has taken great risks and has chosen a very vulnerable path by sharing his story so openly. Because of his courage, we both believe that his story has the power to change lives, inspiring many, and, in doing so, help make the world a better place.

Considering the animosities haunting our current political climate, there is potential for this documentary to have a powerful impact. We feel strongly that now is the time for this film to be made.

Please join us in making this film possible by making a contribution today. Any amount will make a difference. But please don’t wait! Early contributions are crucial to the success of the campaign. Thank you so much for your support. I am looking forward to entering this next phase of the project with you and to producing a film that has impact and meaning.

Erin Palmquist